ACSSQ, Vivons nos projets
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ACSSQ, Vivons nos projets
Cisalb has developped an educational service to meet the needs of school children and teachers and the general public for water and aquatic awareness of lake...
The association of Austrian Nature Park is the umbrella organisation of the 48 nature parks in Austria
University education and research
Université Savoie Mont Blanc is a general multidisciplinary university (except medicine), mountain-oriented, specialized in environnemental sciences, tourism...
The six nature parks of Burgenland are managed and coordinated by the ARGE Naturparke Burgenland since end of 2001, which is also a responsibility of the RMB...
Germany's only Alpine National Park:
High mountains, deep valleys and crystal-clear Alpine streams define this protected area.
Lombardy Region Department of Environment and climate deals with the protection of the environment , biodiversity and environmental education.
Biotechnical centre Naklo is educational, research, and development centre with all its activities strongly oriented towards sustainable development.
Institute of Geography / University of Innsbruck - At the heart of the Alps
Lycée Reinach Chambéry France is a Public School
• Secondary School Year 10-12: 440 students (General, technological and professionnal Bac)
• Graduate School...
Structure technically oriented, Asters brings together expertise on natural environments for over 35 years. Conservatory of natural areas in Haute-Savoie, its...
To accompany you in your local projects of mountain-oriented education, you can directly contact some resource organisations in the Alpine regions: